All Smiles and Tons of Fun with Tricia & Bill Freese!
Our new friends Tricia and Bill Freese tied their knot at Heartwood Hall Saturday night with DeepBlu Entertainment's DJ Jimmy Harris hosting the evening's festivities. Working with Lauren Lee and John Denise Suthoff's crew there is always a treat. These two are a couple characters that really, truly love each other to pieces. We discovered that Bill knows how to twerk - that is a skill that few can master LOL. Their ceremony was simply beautiful. They very soulfully read their vows to each other while we all shared in their experience. It was a wonderful night of dancing and celebration, and I was very happy to be able to see some of my friends there in attendance as well (Mariam and Billy Bottom). A great wedding just outside of the Memphis area! Thanks for letting us be a part of day one of your new life as one!‪#‎DBEweddings‬ ‪#‎DeepBluEntertainment‬ ‪#‎memphisweddingdj‬