Tori & Jonathan Strahan | The Liberty Bowl | December 19, 2015

Tori & Jonathan Strahan with DJ Justin Jaggers
Having WAAAAY too much fun they were :)
Have you ever met, or do you know, someone that you would consider a “character”? You know, those people that walk into a room and everything stops, people that demand attention wherever they go, and those who generally are not comfortable unless there is some kind of action going on? If you were at Tori and Jonathan's wedding, I'm sure you saw quite a few – including the bride, groom AND their DJ, Justin Jaggers.
Tori and Jonathan did not put any restraints on us at any time. It was quite the opposite. They wanted some certain songs in particular for certain things, but they pretty much left the rest up to Justin. They provided a nice-sized must play list, but it was literally full of songs that would work at any wedding event. You take one look at that list and you would think that each of them were a DJ. Lots of great music in there!
Their actual celebration was held at the Liberty Bowl at the Memphis Fairgrounds. An interesting choice of venue to some, but it is a very sentimental place for these two. This is the exact place that they met each other. Everyone there had a great time, and according to Justin, it was a great way to round the year out for him. This was his last event of 2015, and he said that it was a ball!
Thanks to Hicks Convention Services for the great décor and to Erin Jennings for being so easy to work with, and thanks to Tori and Jonathan for being the incredibly super people that they are! Merry Christmas to you both!