Katherine & Lt. Chad Wheeley | Cedar Hall | March 4, 2016

Jimmy Harris with Katherine & Lt. Chad Wheeley
Katherine's dad had mentioned something during her and Chad's wedding reception that really stuck with me. He said that when she was young she always excelled in everything and was always a great kid. If that's the case, she literally has not changed at all then. This lady is extremely sweet, incredibly intelligent, patient and kind. Even though she and Chad never even laid eyes on me until the day of their wedding, it did not stop them from planning everything wonderfully and making the whole wedding nice for their loved ones.
Katherine and Lt. Wheeley chose Cedar Hall for their big day, and a great choice it was! Their ceremony was very nice with Rev. Paul from The God Squad officiating. When their ceremony was over, they and their guests made their way around to the front of the main house so Chad's fellow servicemen could draw their swords and complete the ritual in true military fashion.
This day was made even more special for me because I had the opportunity to work with my sweet friend, Carol Johnson of Cedar Hall, who made sure that every detail was handled elegantly. She is always such a joy to work with, just like all of the staff at Cedar Hall is on a regular basis.
The music mix was that of a lot of country with some radio hits from all generations. One member of their bridal party even broke out his sunglasses to show me how much he looked like Pitbull – and boy did he EVER look like Pitbull!
Since most of their guests were from out of town, Katherine and Lt. Wheeley wanted to make sure that they all had a good taste of that great southern warmth and charm. With the way it all went down, I like to think that they did just that!
Thanks, Katherine & Chad, for letting me be a small part of the big puzzle that was your wedding day!