Katherine & Chad Leake | Heartwood Hall | June 10, 2016

Jimmy with Katherine & Chad Leake - Heartwood Hall
Katherine is a sweet soul with a whole lot of punch! She was always such a ball of fun every step of the way while we were planning her wedding, and she seemed to be in the best mood with every communication!
June 10th was a really hot day, but that did not seem to hinder Katherine and Chad from smiling and soaking up every second of this great wedding day! Who could blame them? They chose one of the nicest venues in town to have their wedding celebration, and their guests were all very lively and ready to party.
It was simply a great evening and it was all made extra special by Katherine and Chad just being who they were - two really great people who love to have fun and love each other dearly. Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day!